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Date Dec 17, 15
SIMCA® -online

Pasting plots to other software results in smaller images than expected (Q812)


Copy/paste from the software results in plots smaller than expected with certain resolution settings, e.g. laptops.


The software listed in the beginning of this article don't properly handle when Windows is set to use larger fonts than the "Smaller - 100%" setting.


To avoid these incompatibilty problems;

  1. Open the Screen Resolution dialog by right-clicking the desktop and clicking Screen Resolution.
  2. Click the 'Make text and other items larger or smaller' link.
  3. Select the 'Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays' check box.
  4. Select 'Smaller - 100%'.


Under investigation.

More Information:

This incompatibility alsoaffects dialogs and graphics, for example splash window.

Only 'Smaller - 100%' is supported, 'Medium - 125%', 'Larger - 150% and 'Extra Large - 200%' all result in incompatibility problems to some extent.

This is an issue mainly for Windows 8 and later and due to the increase from 96 dpi in the default settings.

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